Mr. Umesh A. Patil
Head of Department
The Department is a leading institute of higher education and research in the fields of computer science. The Department offers Under Graduate Degree in Computer Science & Engineering (BE CSE). The Department having intake capacity of 180+ for all 4 years It is housed in a spacious building with modern amenities and well-equipped laboratories with state-of-the-art hardware and software.
The Department has well-experienced and research-oriented faculty members having contribution in several areas including data mining, grid computing, distributed computing, computer graphics, image processing, multimedia systems, system software, database management systems, network technology, information systems, knowledge-based systems, soft computing, software engineering, simulation, programming languages, etc. Our mission is to achieve academic excellence through modern teaching-learning methodologies, quality research and academic development programmers. The Department is continuously engaged in planning and implementing various activities for achieving the above-mentioned goals with an eye towards the need of the society, industries and the nation.
The field of information technology has seen rapid changes in past few decades. The technological changes have not only had an impact on teaching-learning methodologies and research, it has had a remarkable effect on the lives of everyone. They pose both challenges and opportunities to academic and research institutes. The Department has continuously strived to keep pace with the changing environment and improve the quality of its academic programmers and research activities. The Department is fully embraced for a leadership role in its field.
I invite alumni to visit the department whenever possible. Former students of the department are encouraged to provide suggestions and feedback, either in person or through e-mail.