Engineering  |  M.B.A


Library is a heart of any educational institute. The central library is established with stack room and issue section as well as with reading room with sufficient area as per the AICTE norms. The institute has sufficient numbers of titles and volumes of textbooks and reference books in addition with magazines, national and international journals. It is also strengthened with e-books, e-journals and digital library.

Library at a Glance
Sr. NoParticularQuantity/Nos.
1.Total Area of Library550sqm.
2.Total Number of Books17585
3.Total Number of Titles2810
4Hard copy subscribed journals (2024)34
5.Total Bound Volumes of Periodicals432
7.Total Number of e-books full text3805

Sr. NoCourseTitleVolumeNational JournalInternational Journal
01Civil Engineering45720270302
02Computer Engineering53625150903
03E&Tc Engineering43719390302
04Electrical Engineering47325480302
05Mechanical Engineering47140660302
06Science & Humanities436446002-

Digital Library
Sr. NoPublisherLink
3Springer OpenSpringer Open
4e-PG Pathshala e-PG Pathshala
5Scientific Researcher Scientific Researcher
6Bentham Open Bentham Open
7NDLOpen Access To All

Sr. NoEquipmentQuantity
1Internet Facilities PCs27
3Xerox Machine01
5Toatl No of Personal computer with internet connectivity04

Additional Facilities available

  •  Reading hall facility
  •  OPAC (On Line Public Access Catalog) access through LAN
  •  Digital Library with 27 PCs is avaliable for all Students and Staff
  •  Reprography (Photo Copy) section is available for students and staff in minimum cost
  •  Open Access to stack area is offered to students and staff
  •  Engineering Students can take 2 books and MBA students can take 3 books for15 days on Borrow Cards
  •  The faculty can avail the facility of five to seven books in a semester.
  •  Book bank facility as well as e-journal, e-book facility is there for all users.
  •  Library is accessible after college hours during the examination period.
  •  The university syllabus and university question papers are available in the library.