
- Welcome to the D.Y Patil Technical Campus of Talsande – Kolhapur, where every student counts.
- The students are nurtured & developed into excellent corporate managers with a sound infrastructure at our D.Y. Patil Technical campus, Talsande with best in class faculty, pedagogy and curriculum. We are motivated to sculpt dynamic professionals from within our students by enabling them to understand the management ethos & principles better and help them develop application oriented knowledge. The learning & skill development imparted to the students goes beyond academics to inculcate lateral thinking and innovative approach which enables them to efficiently & effectively manage themselves, their family life as well as leads to performance excellence in corporate life.
- ‘उत्तिष्ठत जाग्रत प्राप्य वरान्निबोधत l’
- a sholka from the Katha Upanishad which motivates us to ‘Arise, awake and stop not till the goal is reached’, is at the core of our collective efforts to bring the best out of each and every student.
- Dr. Satish Pawaskar
- Campus Director